James V. Heidinger–The Legacy of Theological Liberalism

I am sometimes amazed at how patient the Church has been toward liberalism and its subsequent offspring….Of late, however, we seem to have become theological pacifists, no longer shocked or offended by theological distortions regardless of how bizarre they might be. We calmly, benevolently discuss liberalism or its latter-day derivatives as we would the Sermon on the Mount, not realizing that in liberalism, historic Christianity has been gutted.
And while they mean well, those who reduce the faith to make it more acceptable to the modern mind do the Church no service. Liberalism in its various shades is still a shrunken Christianity””the pathetic result of sinful men and women who, in their quests for intellectual autonomy, would make man the measure of all things. It is a halfway house from faith to unbelief, from Christianity to secularism.
One hears Dorothy Sayers imploring, “You do Christ no honor ”˜by watering down his personality’ so he will not offend. If the mystery of the ”˜divine drama’ of God enfleshed in Christ shocks and offends believers, ”˜let them be offended.’”
As long as our society is free, we will have those who wish to improve upon Christianity by restructuring it. But let’s be sure we know when this is happening.
In the meantime, let us boldly and unapologetically commend God’s revealed Word to our unbelieving world.

Read it all.


Posted in * Christian Life / Church Life, * Religion News & Commentary, Church History, Methodist, Other Churches